Ramblers has teamed up with the mental health anti-stigma campaign Time to Change to highlight the well-being benefits of walking (Time to Talk leaflet)
Time to Talk Day on 7th February is an awareness raising day that is all about bringing together the right elements for having a conversation about mental health. As part of this, Ramblers are encouraging all groups across the country in the first week of February to have conversations about mental health on their walks.
Ramblers would love to profile group walks happening from Saturday 2 February to Sunday 10 February on their channels (social media, website) and any great conversations that happen along the way. They are also looking for stories to share of people who have found walking with the Ramblers beneficial to their mental health such as walking helping their recovery with mental health problems. Do you know of anyone who might like to share their story? If so, please get in touch with me (chair@bahr.org.uk)
We will be publicising the event on Friday 1st February (1030 - 1500) at the Jubilee Library, Brighton. If you would like to help please get in touch. I'll also try and get along to the walks during the week to hand out leaflets and get material to feedback to Ramblers.
Many Thanks,